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W ramach projektu Do to be Active- Developing teenagers’ enterprise in order to be active citizen, teen and European (Comenius -Uczenie się przez całe życie Partnerskie Projekty Regio) w listopadzie br. wśród młodzieży powiatu pszczyńskiego przeprowadzona została ankieta dot. spędzania czasu wolnego oraz wolontariatu.

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Uczniowie klasy trzeciej Zespołu Szkół Ogólnokształcących w Pszczynie, uczniowie klas szóstych Szkoły Podstawowej nr 1 w Pszczynie oraz młodzież z UKS „PLESBAD” w Pszczynie (w sumie 122 osób) zapytani zostali jak spędzają wolny czas, co ich interesuje, czy chcieliby uczestniczyć w zajęciach organizowanych przez powiat oraz czy orientują się w ofercie powiatu dot. zajęć dodatkowych. Ponadto poproszono o ocenę wolontariatu jako jednej z form spędzania czasu wolnego.

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Within the Comenius Regio Project “Do to be Active- Developing teenagers’ enterprise in order to be active citizen, teen and European “ in November there was the survey done (questionnaire) about the free time of the local teenagers and voluntary work.

3rd grade students from the High School (ZSO), 6th grade students from the Primary School (SP1) and teenagers from UKS Plesbad in Pszczyna (122 teenagers)were asked how they spend their free time, what are their interests, if they would like to attend in the extra classes organized by the District and if they know the current offer of such classes. Except these questions there were also some covering the topic of the voluntary work.

In SP1 50 out of 77 students spend their free time by the computer and in ZSO 17 out of 30 answer in the same way. Only teenagers from UKS Plesbad prefer to spend their free time playing badminton. Doing the sport is the second commonly answered option. students mention football, volleyball and tennis. Only 19 out of 122 surveyed spend their free time in not organized way (TV, outdoors)

Majority of the surveyed students (73) know the extra classes in the District and they are willing to attend them. 89 teenagers have already attended some of them. Highly desiderated are computer , sport and art classes .
Students were also asked to write advantages and disadvantages of the volunteer work. Only 27 out of the 122 teenagers have already worked as the volunteer.
The most common answers about the advantages were helping the others, meeting new people, satisfaction and selflessness. Some, paid attention to the possibility of high self esteem, getting new experience, get more sensitive and have the feeling of the self- realization.
According to the teenagers’ answers, availability, lack of the free time, not having the proper features to be volunteer and being sometimes considered as intrusive are the disadvantages of the work.
The results of the survey show that local teenagers know the offer or the classes organized by the District. However, many of them prefer to stay in the house by the computer. The majority try to develop their interests. Many of them take part in two or more extra classes, sport mainly. They are willing to participate others.
Due to the fact that only some students have been working as the volunteers, most of them have clear opinion about it.
The new idea is considering including the students to the local events such as “Christmas Soup” or “Zubrowisko” in order to let teenagers get experience and spend their free time in effective way.

Inne wiadomości

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